16 Feb 2014

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon Mini Challenge 1: Book Spine Poetry

The first mini challenge for the 2014 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon is to make up a poem using only the spines of books. I'm late posting due to time differences so I'm not eligible to enter the competition, but I wanted to have a go anyway.

I've done book spine poetry once before, back in November 2010. I find  it's quite hard to work with the books I have as many of them are one-word titles, mostly nouns.

Here's what I came up with:

Origin Legend

The garden of unearthly delights,
Desperation, delirium.
Bad men wither the secret garden.
Pandemonium, wicked crescendo,
The wrath of angels.

Dark hollow, city of bones.
New moon switched,
Linger the reapers.
Requiem, the deliverance of evil,
Before I go to sleep forever.
Hush, hush.

What do you think? Can you do better? Post a link to your book spine poetry below and I'll check it out!

1 comment :

  1. Wow, Tizzy! This is a great poem! They flow together so well and tell such an interesting story!


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