29 Jul 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I Own the Most Books From

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Today is Top Ten Tuesday, a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  Every week they post a new top ten list and everyone can join in and share their own picks. If you'd like to take part, hop on over to the blog and sign up with the linky. If you don't have a blog, feel free to post your answers in the comments.

This week's topic is: Authors I Own the Most Books From.

I tend to read a lot more books than I own, as I borrow from friends or the library or sell what I don't think I'll read again. I also read a lot of stand-alone novels rather than series, and once I'm done I often move on to something completely different, so I don't have a huge collection of books from the same author.

Here are my top ten:

1) Shakespeare- I have all 37 of his plays all in one massive book, if that counts?

2) Robert Rankin-15 of these so far, all very funny. My mum and husband often buy me them for birthdays and Christmas.

3) J K Rowling-I've got all 7 of the Harry Potter series, plus The Tales of Beadle the Bard and Quidditch Through the Ages.

4) Roald Dahl- I have 8 altogether, both child and adult books.

5) C. S Lewis-I've got all 7 of The Chronicles of Narnia and treasure them.

6) Jessica Bell-I was surprised to find I've collected 6 of her books now: String Bridge, Muted, Bitter Like Orange Peel, The Book, Show and Tell in a Nutshell and The Hum of Sin Against Skin. Two of these are technically short stories, but hey ho.

7) Douglas Adams and John Connolly-I've got all 5 of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series and 5 of Connolly's murder mysteries.

8) Stephen Fry, Stephanie Meyer and Maggie Steifvater-I've got 4 books from each of these authors.

9) Lauren Oliver, Suzanne Collins, George Orwell and Helen Fielding-I've got three of each of these.

10) Audrey Niffenegger, Becca Fitzpatrick, Veronica Roth, Michael Critchton and George R R Martin-just two of each of these, though I'm hoping to build my Song of Fire and Ice collection!

My husband has a huge amount of Terry Pratchett books, but I've never counted them.

Which author do you own the most books from?

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