12 Aug 2014

Self-Esteem Challenge Day 25: Giving Compliments and Meeting Yourself

Today is Day 25 of the Self-Esteem Challenge, originally from Better than Dark Chocolate. It's a series of questions and prompts to get you thinking about your good qualities and things that make you happy or proud. See my introductory post for more info.

Do you often compliment other people?

I do compliment other people quite often, even if I feel shy about it sometimes. But my compliments are always genuine and not just for the sake of saying something nice. If I like something about a person or how they look I'll let them know. It feels nice to give compliments because you might have brightened someone else's day.

If you met a person that was just like you would you like them? If so, why? If not, how could you view them more positively? 

Actually, I think we would get on fine. It would be nice to meet someone who fully understood my idiosyncrasies and had the same interests and hobbies. Some of their traits might annoy me, but overall I think we would get on okay. I think it's healthier and more rewarding to spend time with people that are more different from you, though, as you discover things you might not have tried before and learn a different way of looking at things which develops you as a person.

Would you like to meet someone just like you?

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